Student loans also known as Education loans or higher education loans are financial
aids provided by the Private financial institutions, Banks and Government organization
to help the needy but otherwise eligible students to attain higher education in
reputed professional institutes. It is designed to help students pay for college
tuition, books, and living expenses. Unlike other financial aids like scholarships,
grants and stipends, a student loan must be repaid by the recipient although with
some ease than the other loans. Most of these loans are to be repaid after the completion
of the course of education.
Due to Excessive Fee in the Schools & Colleges a Large No. of Students belongs to
the Poor Family are Unable to Take admission in to various Schools and Colleges,
raising this Point in front of the Government the Peoples had done a Great Job.
Eligibility to apply for student educational loan
1. Loans are given to students who are citizens of India. The student should have
a consistently good academic record, and admission to an approved Educational Institute
for pursuing a recognized course.
2. Students should have an earning parent / guardian as a co-applicant to the loan.
3. Applicant should be student of selected educational institutions.